Monday, August 29, 2005

Losing a Fidel Companion
Foxy, one of my fidel companions stopped breathing
The beats of his big warm heart are silent; they stopped beating
Are you sleeping, resting, or already saying goodbye
to this world, to this home, to this family who loved you and whom you loved!
Three months ago, the vet said your heart was the biggest heart he had ever seen
of course he meant that you were very ill and probably won't survive the week.
But you survived, just for us
Your heart is really big because you just offer love
You defeated the expectations and offered us three additional months of unconditional love
You prepared us for your loss, but you didn't know that we can't be prepared enough
A loss is a loss
but you taught us the real, unconditional love
With you, physically around, we experienced that lovely warm feeling,
With you, spiritually around, you keep in us that lovely warm feeling
We are really lucky to have known you, you are really special
Thank you Foxy!
Thank you for the JOY and HAPPINESS you spread around
Thank you for your love
We Love you!


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